WOD071408 Monday

071408a (88K) 071408b (23K)


P1011580 (48K)

Hence the words "Dead Hang"!

P1011581 (51K) P1011582 (49K)

Mark getting under the KBs

P1011584 (41K)

Big boy Hans pressing like there is no tomorrow

P1011585 (56K)

KING - Dedication and Concentration

P1011588 (49K)

John-Son working hard

P1011589 (49K)

Mai - Consistency + Hard Work = Faster Results

P1011590 (49K)

Faizal & Joe pressing to the max!

P1011592 (52K)

Ivan - ... was distracted by the camera's flash, however managed to press harder than ever!