
120108a (81K) 120108b (61K) 120108c (85K)


PC011640 (36K) PC011643 (38K) PC011658 (28K) PC011659 (23K) PC011660 (29K) PC011661 (31K) PC011664 (28K) PC011666 (39K) PC011671 (33K) PC011674 (38K)

National cyclist Josiah Ng and fiance Kim Ong with the PushMore trainers

PC011677 (30K)

Kim Ong with the PushMore girls

PC011679 (30K)

Edmund "kena bully" by the girls

PC011680 (28K) PC011682 (29K) PC011683 (33K) PC011684 (31K) PC011687 (26K) PC011689 (31K) PC011690 (26K) PC011691 (31K) PC011693 (28K) PC011694 (27K) PC011697 (35K) PC011698 (26K)